Development Process & Methodology

As was done in Phase 1 of the project, the 2nd Phase of the project will continue to use Agile software development methodology, with the preference of using scrum. Unlike the previous phase of the project however, the project will have a slightly different time table.

The project will adopt a 2 week iteration duration with a 3 iteration release time. At the end of each 2 week iteration, the development team will demonstrate the potentially shippable progress made in previous iteration. However release of the 3 iterations to test or production environments should be done on or by the 3rd iteration.

As an open source project, the code that was developed on each iteration will be openly accessible to DRMFSS at the following link However, as pointed out in the technical review, on each release, the code shall be deployed and working from a DRMFSS owned server. This is one of the key distinctions that differentiates a release from the subsequent iterations.

Project team structure & role descriptions

Development Team

In the CATS agile team, the team organization is not going to involve specialization. In principle, the team members will be capable of working on any part of the development based on assignment. However, for practical purposes, the following team structure is implemented at the inception of the development project.

  • Technical Lead and Scrum master, who will assume responsibility for the overall system analysis, design, implementation and support of the required systems. This role, based on the necessity and availability of project personnel, could be covered by a single person or one and a half person hours.

As a Scrum Master, This role is responsible for making sure a Scrum team lives by the values and practices of Scrum. The Scrum Master is the coach for the team, helping the team do the best work it possibly can. The Scrum Master can also be thought of as a process owner for the team, creating a balance with the project's key stakeholder, who is referred to as the product owner.

  • Systems Analysis, Design and Development Team will consist of qualified, experienced software development professionals who are capable of analyzing, designing, planning and implementing the required system.
  • Technical Writing and Documentation Team will consist of qualified and experienced professionals who are capable of preparing user guides, manuals and systems documentation.

Support Team will consist of qualified IT professionals who are capable of deploying and training DRMFSS technical and non-technical users over the usage of the software. The support team will be giving the users an on the Job training.