Implementing Unit Test using MS Test

1.     Implementing Test at the business

In order to start writing unit test there are a couple of things you have to know ,

First as we have discussed earlier all the layers are separated nicely so you need something which simulates the DI task , on which we can configure all dependency required to run our test. For this purpose I will use Moq(Read more:

1. Install Moq in your test project

   Extract and reference in your test project

2.Write your test class as shown below

Testing the Services

    public class ProductServiceTest
        public void Can_Add_Product_Service()
            List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
                                             new Product(){Description="P1",ProductId=1,ProductName="p1Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P2",ProductId=2,ProductName="p2Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P3",ProductId=3,ProductName="p3Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P4",ProductId=4,ProductName="p4Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P5",ProductId=5,ProductName="p5Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P6",ProductId=6,ProductName="p6Name"}
            Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>> mock1 = new Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>>();

            //Here we are going to mock repository GetAll method
            mock1.Setup(m => m.GetAll()).Returns(products);
            //Here we are going to mock repository Add method
            mock1.Setup(m => m.Add(It.IsAny<Product>())).Returns((Product target) =>
                var original = products.FirstOrDefault(
                    q => q.ProductId == target.ProductId);

                if (original != null)
                    return false;

                return true;
            //Now we have our repository ready for property injection

            //Here we are going to mock our IUnitOfWork
            Mock<IUnitOfWork> mock = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
            //Here we are going to inject our repository to the property
            //mock.SetupProperty(m => m.ProductRepository).SetReturnsDefault(mock1.Object);
           mock.Setup(m => m.ProductRepository).Returns(mock1.Object);

            //Now our UnitOfWork is ready to be injected to the service
            //Here we inject UnitOfWork to constractor of our service
            ProductService productService = new ProductService(mock.Object);

            productService.AddProduct(new Product
                                              ProductId = 7,
                                              ProductName = "P7Name",
                                              Description = "P7"
            var result = productService.GetAllProduct();
            var newProduct = result.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ProductId == 7);

            Assert.AreEqual(products.Count, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("P7Name", newProduct.ProductName);
            Assert.AreEqual("P7", newProduct.Description);

        public void Can_Get_All_Product_Service()
            List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
                                             new Product(){Description="P1",ProductId=1,ProductName="p1Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P2",ProductId=2,ProductName="p2Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P3",ProductId=3,ProductName="p3Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P4",ProductId=4,ProductName="p4Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P5",ProductId=5,ProductName="p5Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P6",ProductId=6,ProductName="p6Name"}
            Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>> mock1 = new Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>>();

            //Here we are going to mock repository GetAll method
            mock1.Setup(m => m.GetAll()).Returns(products);

            //Now we have our repository ready for property injection

            //Here we are going to mock our IUnitOfWork
            Mock<IUnitOfWork> mock = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();

            //Here we are going to inject our repository to the property
            mock.Setup(m => m.ProductRepository).Returns(mock1.Object);

            //Now our UnitOfWork is ready to be injected to the service
            //Here we inject UnitOfWork to constractor of our service
            ProductService productService = new ProductService(mock.Object);

            var result = productService.GetAllProduct();


        public void Can_Update_Product_Service()
            List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
                                             new Product(){Description="P1",ProductId=1,ProductName="p1Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P2",ProductId=2,ProductName="p2Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P3",ProductId=3,ProductName="p3Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P4",ProductId=4,ProductName="p4Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P5",ProductId=5,ProductName="p5Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P6",ProductId=6,ProductName="p6Name"}
            Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>> mock1 = new Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>>();

            //Here we are going to mock repository Edit method
            mock1.Setup(m => m.Edit(It.IsAny<Product>())).Returns((Product target) =>
                var original = products.FirstOrDefault( q => q.ProductId == target.ProductId);

                if (original == null)
                    return false;

                original.ProductName = target.ProductName;

                original.Description = target.Description;

                return true;
            //Now we have our repository ready for property injection

            //Here we are going to mock our IUnitOfWork
            Mock<IUnitOfWork> mock = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();

            //Here we are going to inject our repository to the property
            mock.Setup(m => m.ProductRepository).Returns(mock1.Object);

            //Now our UnitOfWork is ready to be injected to the service
            //Here we inject UnitOfWork to constractor of our service
            ProductService productService = new ProductService(mock.Object);


            var updatedProduct = new Product() {ProductId = 1, ProductName = "p1NameModified", Description = "p1Modified"};
            var actualProduct = products.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ProductId == 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(actualProduct.ProductName ,updatedProduct.ProductName);
            Assert.AreEqual(actualProduct.Description, updatedProduct.Description);

        public void Can_Delete_Product_Service()
            List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
                                             new Product(){Description="P1",ProductId=1,ProductName="p1Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P2",ProductId=2,ProductName="p2Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P3",ProductId=3,ProductName="p3Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P4",ProductId=4,ProductName="p4Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P5",ProductId=5,ProductName="p5Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P6",ProductId=6,ProductName="p6Name"},
            Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>> mock1 = new Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>>();

            //Here we are going to mock repository FindById Method
            mock1.Setup(m => m.FindById(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns((int i) => products.Single(x => x.ProductId == i));

            //Here we are going to mock repository Delete method
            mock1.Setup(m => m.Delete(It.IsAny<Product>())).Returns((Product target) =>

                var original = products.FirstOrDefault( q => q.ProductId == target.ProductId);

                if (original == null)
                    return false;


                return true;
            //Now we have our repository ready for property injection

            //Here we are going to mock our IUnitOfWork
            Mock<IUnitOfWork> mock = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();

            //Here we are going to inject our repository to the property
            mock.Setup(m => m.ProductRepository).Returns(mock1.Object);

            //Now our UnitOfWork is ready to be injected to the service
            //Here we inject UnitOfWork to constractor of our service
            ProductService productService = new ProductService(mock.Object);


            var result = products.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ProductId == 6);
            Assert.IsTrue(products.Count ==5);


        public void Can_Find_By_Id()
            List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
                                             new Product(){Description="P1",ProductId=1,ProductName="p1Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P2",ProductId=2,ProductName="p2Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P3",ProductId=3,ProductName="p3Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P4",ProductId=4,ProductName="p4Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P5",ProductId=5,ProductName="p5Name"},
                                             new Product(){Description="P6",ProductId=6,ProductName="p6Name"}
            Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>> mock1 = new Mock<IGenericRepository<Product>>();

            //Here we are going to mock repository FindById Method
            mock1.Setup(m => m.FindById(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns((int i) => products.Single(x => x.ProductId == i));

            //Now we have our repository ready for property injection

            //Here we are going to mock our IUnitOfWork
            Mock<IUnitOfWork> mock = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();

            //Here we are going to inject our repository to the property
            mock.Setup(m => m.ProductRepository).Returns(mock1.Object);

            //Now our UnitOfWork is ready to be injected to the service
            //Here we inject UnitOfWork to constractor of our service
            ProductService productService = new ProductService(mock.Object);


            var result = productService.GetProduct(6);
            var expected = products.Single(t => t.ProductId == 6);




2.     Implementing Controller unit test

In implementing test on your controller you can achieve UI Test simply, for this purpose I have created sample tests as shown below.


Controller Unit Tests
    // ProductControllerTest.cs
    public class ProductControllerTest
        public void Can_Paginate()
           Mock<IProductService> mock= new Mock<IProductService>();
           var products = new List<Product>();
           mock.Setup(m => m.GetAllProduct()).Returns((new Product[]
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=1,ProductName = "P1"} ,
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=2,ProductName = "P2"} ,
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=3,ProductName = "P3"} ,
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=4,ProductName = "P4"} ,
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=5,ProductName = "P5"} 
           ProductController controller=new ProductController(mock.Object);

           controller.PageSize = 3;

           ProductListViewModel result = (ProductListViewModel)controller.Index(2).Model;

           Product[] prodArray = result.Products.ToArray();

        public void Can_Generate_Page_Links()
            //Arrange -define an Html helper -we need to do this
            //in order to apply the extension method
            HtmlHelper myHelper = null;

            //Arrange -create PagingInfo data
            PagingInfo pagingInfo = new PagingInfo()
                                            CurrentPage = 2,
                                            TotalItems = 28,
                                            ItemsPerPage = 10

            //Arrange -set up the delegate using a lamda expression
            Func<int, string> pageUrlDelegate = i => "Page" + i;

            MvcHtmlString result = myHelper.PageLinks(pagingInfo, pageUrlDelegate);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.ToString(),@"<a href=""Page1"">1</a>"
                +@"<a class=""selected"" href=""Page2"">2</a>"+
                @"<a href=""Page3"">3</a>");

        public void Can_Send_Pagination_View_Model()
            Mock<IProductService> mock = new Mock<IProductService>();
            mock.Setup(m => m.GetAllProduct()).Returns((new Product[]
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=1,ProductName = "P1"} ,
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=2,ProductName = "P2"} ,
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=3,ProductName = "P3"} ,
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=4,ProductName = "P4"} ,
                                                              new Product(){ProductId=5,ProductName = "P5"} 

            ProductController controller = new ProductController(mock.Object);

            controller.PageSize = 3;

            ProductListViewModel result = (ProductListViewModel) controller.Index(2).Model;

            PagingInfo pagingInfo = result.PagingInfo;
