Worflow: Define Document Workflow Stored Procedure [e.g. Requisition]

Step-by-step guide

  1. Define stored procedure to define workflow for requisition

    – Author: Nathnael Getahun (Senior Software Developer @ Neuronet)
    – Type: Stored Procedure
    – Name: Define Document Workflow
    – Description: A Generic Document Workflow Definition Procedure
    – What it does:
    – > Reads a formally formatted XML document
    – > Inserts a process template
    – > Uses the above inserted process id to insert application setting
    – > Inserts all the states of the document process defined in the xml document
    – > Iterate through each process states trigger a flow template insert query
    DROP PROCEDURE define_document_workflow
    CREATE PROCEDURE define_document_workflow @xmldoc int
    /* Begin a transaction that will hold all the statements executed in this procedure */
    /* Define the variable that holds the insert_id for the process template */
    DECLARE @ProcessTemplateID INT;
    /* Define the variables that hold the name, the final states, and actions defined for each states in the xml document */
    DECLARE @name varchar(50), @finalstates varchar(50), @actions varchar(50)
    /* Insert a new process template into the 'ProcessTemplate' table from the <ProcessTemplate /> definition in the xml document */
    INSERT INTO ProcessTemplate SELECT Name, Description, GraphicsData, PartitionId FROM OPENXML(@xmldoc, '//ProcessTemplate') WITH ProcessTemplate
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */
    /* Set the insert_id to the above defined variable for later reference */
    SET @ProcessTemplateID = SCOPE_IDENTITY();
    /* Insert a new application setting into the 'ApplicationSetting' table from the <ApplicationSetting /> definition in the xml document */
    INSERT INTO ApplicationSetting
    VALUES ( (SELECT SettingName FROM OPENXML(@xmldoc, '//ApplicationSetting') WITH ApplicationSetting), @ProcessTemplateID, NULL);
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */
    /* Insert new state templates into the 'StateTemplate' table from the list of <StateTemplate /> definitions in the xml document */
    INSERT INTO StateTemplate
    SELECT @ProcessTemplateID, Name, AllowedAccessLevel, StateNo, StateType, NULL FROM OPENXML(@xmldoc, '//StateTemplate') WITH StateTemplate
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */

    /* Temporary Edge table: that parsesthe xml document into a table like structure */
    SELECT *
    INTO #TempEdge
    FROM OPENXML(@xmldoc, '//StateTemplate')
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */
    /* Define a cursor that maps the aforementioned structure into table containing rows of states name, final states, and actions */
    DECLARE fillfinalstates_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT CAST(iv.text AS nvarchar(200)) AS name,
    CAST(av.text AS nvarchar(4000)) AS finalstates,
    CAST(bv.text AS nvarchar(4000)) AS actions
    FROM #TempEdge c, #TempEdge i,
    #TempEdge iv, #TempEdge a, #TempEdge av,
    #TempEdge b, #TempEdge bv
    WHERE c.id = i.parentid
    AND UPPER(i.localname) = UPPER('Name')
    AND i.id = iv.parentid
    AND c.id = a.parentid
    AND UPPER(a.localname) = UPPER('FinalStates')
    AND a.id = av.parentid
    AND c.id = b.parentid
    AND UPPER(b.localname) = UPPER('Actions')
    AND b.id = bv.parentid
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */
    /* Open the above mapped cursor */
    OPEN fillfinalstates_cursor
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */
    /* Iterate through the above cursor by fetching each row one by one and mapping the row entries to @name, @finalstates, and @actions variables */
    FETCH NEXT FROM fillfinalstates_cursor INTO @name, @finalstates, @actions
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */
    /* Check if the current status of the fetch routine is different from -1 and continue fetching */
    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)
    IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)
    /* Trigged the insert_flow_templates procedure for each entries fetched from the cursor */
    DECLARE @sp int
    DECLARE @att varchar(500)
    DECLARE @sp1 int
    DECLARE @att1 varchar(500)
    SET @sp = 0
    SET @sp1 = 0
    WHILE (LEN(@finalstates) > 1)
    SET @sp = CHARINDEX(',', @finalstates+ ',')
    SET @att = LEFT(@finalstates, @sp-1)
    SET @sp1 = CHARINDEX(',', @actions+ ',')
    SET @att1 = LEFT(@actions, @sp1-1)
    EXEC('INSERT INTO FlowTemplate VALUES ('@ProcessTemplateID', (SELECT StateTemplateID FROM StateTemplate WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = '+@ProcessTemplateID
    ' AND Name = ''' @name '''), (SELECT StateTemplateID FROM StateTemplate WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = '@ProcessTemplateID
    ' AND Name = ''' @att '''), ''' @att1+''', NULL)')
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */
    SET @finalstates = SUBSTRING(@finalstates+ ',', @sp+1, LEN(@finalstates)+1-@sp)
    SET @actions = SUBSTRING(@actions+ ',', @sp1+1, LEN(@actions)+1-@sp1)
    FETCH NEXT FROM fillfinalstates_cursor INTO @name, @finalstates, @actions
    /* Close the above mapped cursor */
    CLOSE fillfinalstates_cursor
    /* Deallocate the above mapped cursor */
    DEALLOCATE fillfinalstates_cursor
    /* The end of the procedure transaction */

  2. Execute the above stored procedure
    DECLARE @h int
    EXECUTE sp_xml_preparedocument @h OUTPUT, N'<Data> 
    <ProcessTemplate Name="Relief Requisition" Description="Workflow for relief requisition" GraphicsData="NULL" PartitionId="0" />
    <ApplicationSetting SettingName="ReliefRequisitionWorkflow" SettingValue="" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Draft" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="0" StateType="0" FinalStates="Approved" Actions="Approve" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Approved" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="1" StateType="1" FinalStates="Rejected,Hub Assigned" Actions="Reject,Assign Hub" /> 
    <StateTemplate Name="Rejected" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="2" StateType="1" FinalStates="Approved" Actions="Re-Approve" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Hub Assigned" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="3" StateType="1" FinalStates="Project Code Assigned" Actions="Assign Project Code" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Project Code Assigned" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="4" StateType="1" FinalStates="Approved,SiPc Allocation Approved" Actions="Uncommit,Approve SI/PC Allocation" />
    <StateTemplate Name="SiPc Allocation Approved" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="5" StateType="1" FinalStates="Transport Requisition Created" Actions="Create Transport Requisition" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Transport Requisition Created" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="6" StateType="1" FinalStates="Transport Order Created" Actions="Create Transport Order" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Transport Order Created" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="7" StateType="1" FinalStates="" Actions="" /> 
    EXECUTE define_document_workflow @h