Workflow: Upgrade old data [e.g. Requisition]

Step-by-step guide

  1. Define a stored procedure for upgrading old data of entities which starts using workflow

    use [CatsDRMFSS];

    -- Author: Nathnael Getahun (Senior Software Developer @ Neuronet)
    -- Type: Stored Procedure
    -- Name: Upgrade Old Data
    -- Description: Make old data of Relief Requisition table support the new workflow implementation
    -- What it does:
    ---- > Add BusinessProcessID column in Relief Requisition table
    ---- > Iterate through each Relief Requisition entry and create them a business process and
    ---- business process state for their current status only

    IF COL_LENGTH('EarlyWarning.ReliefRequisition','BusinessProcessID') IS NULL
    ALTER TABLE [EarlyWarning].[ReliefRequisition]
    ADD BusinessProcessID INT NOT NULL

    SELECT *
    FROM sys.procedures
    WHERE Object_ID = Object_ID(N'upgrade_old_data'))
    DROP PROCEDURE upgrade_old_data
    CREATE PROCEDURE upgrade_old_data @xmldoc int

    /* Begin a transaction that will hold all the statements executed in this procedure */

    /* Handle new workflow backward compatibility on old document data */
    DECLARE @rowid int, @processid int;
    --SET @documentname = (SELECT Name FROM OPENXML(@xmldoc, '//ProcessTemplate') WITH ProcessTemplate)
    --SET @documnetname = SELECT REPLACE(@documentname, ' ', '');

    SET @processid = (SELECT SettingValue FROM ApplicationSetting WHERE SettingName LIKE '%' + (SELECT SettingName FROM OPENXML(@xmldoc, '//ApplicationSetting') WITH ApplicationSetting) + '%')

    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */

    DECLARE document_table CURSOR FOR
    SELECT RequisitionID FROM [EarlyWarning].[ReliefRequisition]
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */

    /* Open the above mapped cursor */
    OPEN document_table
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */

    /* Iterate through the above cursor by fetching each row one by one and mapping the row entry to @rowid */
    FETCH NEXT FROM document_table INTO @rowid
    /* Check if the above statement failed to execute and rollback the transcation */
    IF(@@error <> 0)
    ROLLBACK /* Rollback of the transaction */

    /* Check if the current status of the fetch routine is different from -1 and continue fetching */
    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)
    IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)
    /* Trigged the insert_flow_templates procedure for each entries fetched from the cursor */
    --DECLARE @bpid int;
    --SET @bpid = ( SELECT BusinessProcessID FROM [EarlyWarning].[ReliefRequisition] WHERE RequisitionID = @rowid );
    --IF (@bpid = 0)
    DECLARE @status int, @businessprocessid int, @businessprocessstateid int, @stateid int;
    SET @status = ( SELECT [Status] FROM [EarlyWarning].[ReliefRequisition] WHERE RequisitionID = @rowid );
    IF (@status = 1)
    SET @stateid = ( SELECT [StateTemplateID] FROM [StateTemplate] WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = @processid AND Name = 'Draft' );
    ELSE IF (@status = 2)
    SET @stateid = ( SELECT [StateTemplateID] FROM [StateTemplate] WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = @processid AND Name = 'Approved' );
    ELSE IF (@status = 3)
    SET @stateid = ( SELECT [StateTemplateID] FROM [StateTemplate] WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = @processid AND Name = 'Hub Assigned' );
    ELSE IF (@status = 4)
    SET @stateid = ( SELECT [StateTemplateID] FROM [StateTemplate] WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = @processid AND Name = 'Project Code Assigned' );
    ELSE IF (@status = 5)
    SET @stateid = ( SELECT [StateTemplateID] FROM [StateTemplate] WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = @processid AND Name = 'Transport Requisition Created' );
    ELSE IF (@status = 6)
    SET @stateid = ( SELECT [StateTemplateID] FROM [StateTemplate] WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = @processid AND Name = 'Transport Order Created' );
    ELSE IF (@status = 7)
    SET @stateid = ( SELECT [StateTemplateID] FROM [StateTemplate] WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = @processid AND Name = 'Rejected' );
    ELSE IF (@status = 8)
    SET @stateid = ( SELECT [StateTemplateID] FROM [StateTemplate] WHERE ParentProcessTemplateID = @processid AND Name = 'SiPc Allocation Approved' );

    INSERT INTO BusinessProcessState
    VALUES ( @processid, @stateid, 'System: Data Migration', '2016-06-06', 'Relief Requisition business process created by data migrator', NULL);
    SET @businessprocessstateid = SCOPE_IDENTITY();

    INSERT INTO BusinessProcess
    VALUES ( @processid, 0, 'ReliefRequisition', @businessprocessstateid, NULL);
    SET @businessprocessid = SCOPE_IDENTITY();

    UPDATE [EarlyWarning].[ReliefRequisition]
    SET BusinessProcessID=@businessprocessid
    WHERE RequisitionID = @rowid;

    FETCH NEXT FROM document_table INTO @rowid
    /* Close the above mapped cursor */
    CLOSE document_table
    /* Deallocate the above mapped cursor */
    DEALLOCATE document_table

    /* The end of the procedure transaction */

  2. DECLARE @h int
    EXECUTE sp_xml_preparedocument @h OUTPUT, N'<Data> 
    <ProcessTemplate Name="Relief Requisition" Description="Workflow for relief requisition" GraphicsData="NULL" PartitionId="0" />
    <ApplicationSetting SettingName="ReliefRequisitionWorkflow" SettingValue="" />

    <StateTemplate Name="Draft" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="0" StateType="0" FinalStates="Approved" Actions="Approve" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Approved" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="1" StateType="1" FinalStates="Rejected,Hub Assigned" Actions="Reject,Assign Hub" /> 
    <StateTemplate Name="Rejected" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="2" StateType="1" FinalStates="Approved" Actions="Re-Approve" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Hub Assigned" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="3" StateType="1" FinalStates="Project Code Assigned" Actions="Assign Project Code" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Project Code Assigned" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="4" StateType="1" FinalStates="Approved,SiPc Allocation Approved" Actions="Uncommit,Approve SI/PC Allocation" />
    <StateTemplate Name="SiPc Allocation Approved" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="5" StateType="1" FinalStates="Transport Requisition Created" Actions="Create Transport Requisition" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Transport Requisition Created" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="6" StateType="1" FinalStates="Transport Order Created" Actions="Create Transport Order" />
    <StateTemplate Name="Transport Order Created" AllowedAccessLevel="0" StateNo="7" StateType="1" FinalStates="" Actions="" /> 

    EXECUTE upgrade_old_data @h