Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) listed below are the primary way DRMFSS reports to its donors contributing food-aid on the state of distribution to beneficiaries.

Prior to CATS, these figures were manually collected and collated, based on physical documentation from a wide range of sources, yielding only the quantities of goods moved and the number of beneficiaries served. Additional value-added information – time from dispatch to delivery, delivery to distribution, etc. – will become available as the tracking system comes on-line.

There is also a considerable time-lag under the present system in collecting the figures. Delivery and Distribution figures, for example, are often recorded months after the event has taken place.

Commodity Management Key Performance Indicators


The total quantity of commodities to be provided to the beneficiaries.

Source document: Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD) for Relief issued by Early Warning & Response Directorate (EWRD)

Source document: PSNP Annual Plan for PSNP issued by Food Security Coordination Directorate (FSCD) 


{new CATS KPI} 

The total quantity of commodities that have had a Relief Requisition for Distribution (RRD) document issued against them

Source document: RRD for both Relief and PSNP issued by Early Warning & Response Directorate (EWRD)

The Allocation KPI is needed to highlight commodities in transition – goods that are still physically in the warehouse, but are about to begin movement toward beneficiaries. As the RRD information will be entered into the tracking system as part of the normal information flow, producing this KPI results in no additional work for the user.

This new KPI addresses point “3.1 – No clear distinction between plans and actuals” in the Gap Analysis section of the “Evaluation of DRMFSS Commodity Tracking Databases” report, covering the difference between ‘planned distributions’ and ‘actual distribution requests’.


{new CATS KPI} 

The total quantity of commodities that have been received into each DRMFSS Hub

Source document: (Hub-Issued) Goods Receiving Note (GRN) issued by the receiving storekeeper

The Receipt KPI is needed to assist in reconciling stock-movement figures. As the GRN information will be entered into the tracking system as part of the normal information flow, producing this KPI results in no additional work for the user.

This new KPI addresses point “3.6 – Stock Levels” in the Gap Analysis section of the “Evaluation of DRMFSS Commodity Tracking Databases” report, assisting with the provision of accurate stock reports


The total quantity of commodities leaving each DRMFSS Hub

Source document: (Hub-Issued) Goods Issue Note (GIN) issued by the dispatching storekeeper


The total quantity of commodities delivered to the /wiki/spaces/CTS/pages/2162711

Source document: (Wereda-Issued) Good Receiving Note (GRN) issued by the receiving GoE Wereda Official


The total quantity of commodities signed for by the Relief or PSNP beneficiaries

Source document: Payroll (PAY/M33) (for PSNP recipients) documents or the Utilisation Report (for Relief recipients) issued by the official(s) in charge of distributing commodities

Commodity Management Key Performance Indicator Boundaries


The relevant region, zone, wereda and FDP of each KPI


The date (in both /wiki/spaces/CTS/pages/2162691 and /wiki/spaces/CTS/pages/2162690) the event was:

  1. Triggered 
  2. Actually occurred (e.g. the actual request, dispatch or distribution date)
  3. Completed


The intended “round number” or “allocation month/year”. These are treated differently between PSNP and Relief Programmes.

See the 2013-07-11 Allocation 'Round' Vs Allocation Month meeting notes.

KPIs and ITSH Payments

The timely and accurate reporting of these KPIs has a direct financial impact on DRMFSS, as they directly impact the  /wiki/spaces/CTS/pages/2162707 payments, paid to DRMFSS by WFP to cover the costs of handling and distributing the WFP-donated commodities:

Under the current agreement (2012-13), the /wiki/spaces/CTS/pages/2162707 payments made by WFP to DRMFSS are based three of the above KPIs:
  • A 70% advance payment made when goods are received at the DRMFSS warehouses. 
    This is currently known as the ‘Dispatch’ (KPI) payment, but is more accurately based on the ‘Receipt’ KPI. Accurate and timely recording of this figure has a substantial financial impact for DRMFSS.
  • A 20% payment against the recorded ‘Delivery’ KPI (delivery to FDP). 
    This payment relies on the driver returning the GIN/GRN to their transport company, and the transport company then returning the forms to DRMFSS Addis – a process that can take months.
  • The final 10% is paid against the ‘Distribution’ KPI – the quantity of goods actually handed over to the beneficiaries.
    As with the ‘Delivery’ payment, it can take months for this information to reach DRMFSS Addis, resulting in delayed payments.

Continued donor contributions also depend upon transparency and auditability of these three KPIs